Rudimentary Memoirs: Iteration 0.6


Pigment, plaster, wax

The relationship between the indoor and the outdoor is a bizarre one. What we choose to see as the true value of something is always described as that which is hidden inside. It creates a sense of mystery, of wonder, and fascination, at its best. The relationship that we have with what we define as ours: our families, our people, our faith, our lives, our possessions, and our physical being itself takes many forms. To see this sense of self fluctuate over time, and along with time is a part of ones journey.

I saw the inside of this object and it revealed elegant dances of light upon it's interiors. To watch as the sight of this almost hidden performance changes my perception of how important a sense of feeling control over your own mind has. The relationship I see feels akin to experiencing the power of devotion connect one to a geographic structure.

The bonds created as one feels enveloped by a space they feel safe in, at home in. The blending of the different materials led to these thoughts. To see them collaborate was beautiful and unexpected. I would like to see that again. I would like to chase that again, but with the acknowledgement that it shall arrive when it wants to. Until then I shall follow.

Finding joy in the journey is not in itself easy to do. It is the openness to the unexpected that makes something valuable. This was not intended to happen. I can explain how it did, but not why I chose to do it but I am grateful that it occured. It allowed me to connect to thoughts and ideas outside my own 4 walls.